Thursday, December 2, 2010

About My Self

                                    My name is Dannicca. And i am 12 years old. And i am a christian. I go to church every sunday. I go to school at SK. Seri Bintang Utara. My hobby is swimming, playing games, watching tv and playing with my family and friends.My Ambition is to be come a Doctor. And every time i go for holidays i will always go to my cousin's house in Seremban. We will always have lots of fun. We will stay up late at night and talk story.And went it come's in the morning we will get up around 11:00 or sometimes at 12:00 just before lunch. I will have lots of fun with all my cousin, and my uncles.Before  we leaf my cousins house i will always cry cause i will not be able to see them for a very long time. And all of my cousin will say that we will be seeing each other again in a short wild. And after a while i will be ok. And one thing i will always have fun with all of my cousin no matter what. I am always a fun person to play with.

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